Our nonpartisan #VotePublic campaign is based on a simple motto: local level action, statewide impact. It’s up to us to take action, where we live to make sure our communities and our elected officials know what’s at stake for local students as we head to the ballot box. We don’t endorse candidates, but we make sure voters know where they stand on the issue that matter. We encourage groups and individuals to hold local candidate forums, issue candidate questionnaires, get folks registered to vote & to the polls, write letters to the editor, host local events & generally do whatever they have the passion and capacity to do to make our kids & their public schools a focus of the upcoming elections! Click here to see our organizing toolkits and #MakeItLocal!
Get on the Bus for Wisconsin’s students and their public schools and let YOUR community know that every vote matters to local kids!
#MakeItLocal – get YOUR community on the map!
This was a 2020 Get-Out-The-Vote campaign.
#VotePublic Action Workshop Series
Looking to learn more, build up your organizing skills, and connect with others who care about what’s next for Wisconsin students & public schools?Click on the images below to register for our VIRTUAL #VotePublic workshop series this fall!

Video: Legislative Advocacy Workshop
Breakout Activity: Legislative Advocacy Scenarios
Legislative Advocacy Tips (handout)

TAKE ACTION NOW! See our DIGITAL ACTION page for easy online actions to do right now! and share with your friends.
Follow us on Facebook and join our mailing list to stay up to date on the latest news, events & action opportunities!
Click here to go to Election HQ! where you will find everything you need to know about voting.
Click here to Get the Facts! and be informed on the current state of Public School funding and policy.
Click here to get organized! Learn how to increase individual AND community capacity
Click here to go to Election HQ! where you will find everything you need to know about voting.