Why do we #VotePublic? Because 860,000 kids are counting on us!
- Direct link to digital actions, including the #VotePublic pledge: WisconsinNetwork.org/Digital
- To get more in-depth information and data our kid-centered values and how public school funding works in Wisconsin, visit our Public Education 101 page.
- If you would like to inspire others with these graphics you can find these and many more here. Share widely!
- Voucher Data Tool Kit
- PowerPoint Presentation titled “School Funding 101: Get the Facts” from Bob Soldner and Dee Pettack, Department of Public Instruction from our 2019 Summer Summit.
- Compare Revenue Limits per pupil in districts across the state [go to “data” tab at the bottom of the sheet, then scroll to the right to move from 1993-1994 to 2021-2022].
Click here to go to Election HQ! where you will find everything you need to know about voting.
Click here to Get on the Bus! and find out how to get involved in local level actions.
Click here to get organized! Learn how to increase individual AND community capacity
Click here to access all graphics from the #VotePublic Campaign. Share widely!