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You can take two simple steps to join our Network:
- Sign up for our email list by filling out the form below or clicking here.
- Get involved. Set up a one-time or recurring contribution and visit our calendar to join us at a workshop or event!
Follow us on social media! We’re on Facebook and Instagram, and we regularly post shareable events, stories, ads, and resources with our social media audiences.

We advocate for every single student in every public school district across the state of Wisconsin. School districts may become Network partners by making a small annual contribution to our work and getting premier access to our events, workshops, and services.
We compile important information and tools for local-level public school champions to maximize their impact. Nonpartisan local-level teams in partner districts receive priority from the Network as we distribute resources such as #VotePublic mini-grants, digital communication tools, pro-public billboards, one-on-one consultation, data breakdowns by district, and more.
If you’re a superintendent, school board member, or administrator interested in making your district a Network partner, take these steps:
- Contact Heather at Our team is organized by region, and we would be happy to give a presentation to your school board or meet with you to share information. When your district is ready to join, we’ll send you an invoice and process your annual contribution.
- Sign up for our email list, and be sure to pick one or two representatives from your district as the “lead contacts” for us. In addition to events and workshops, action alerts, news and legislative updates, you’ll be invited to monthly Network partner meetings to check in on the highlights, challenges, and needs of students in your district — and make meaningful connections with public school advocates across Wisconsin.
- Share your stories with us! As a Network partner, we want to help you tell the story of the amazing things happening in your district. Our public schools are the heart of our communities, and they unite our communities like no other institution can. Help us amplify your important and inspiring stories!
Check out our interactive map of Network partners in Wisconsin! While not all of us work on the same issues, we all believe in the power of our public schools and understand that none of us can build the Wisconsin our kids deserve if we don’t work together. This map can help local-level advocates find an existing team, organization, or coalition in their community and get involved.
We do not have a formal partnership structure, and the local-level groups with which we work range from large nonprofit organizations to educators’ groups to informal local-level coalitions, referendum teams, and friends of public schools, and everything in between.
To get on our map, you must simply:
- Believe in strong, just, and well-resourced public schools for every student in alignment with our shared values.
- Engage in nonpartisan work.
- Want to work together for Wisconsin students with allied advocates.
To get on the map, contact with your team’s name, location, website/social media link(s), and contact information!
We know you care deeply about kids and public schools. We hope you’ll choose to support Wisconsin students and be the reason Wisconsin kids thrive by making a tax-deductible donation of any amount to the Wisconsin Alliance for Excellent Schools (WAES), the 501(c)(3) nonprofit, nonpartisan organization which fiscally sponsors our work:

Contributions payable to WAES may also be mailed to:
Wisconsin Alliance for Excellent Schools
1502 W. Broadway, Suite 102
Madison, WI 53713
Join the Network as a Blue Ribbon Partner with a one-time contribution of at least $100 or a recurring monthly contributions of at least $10/month. Blue Ribbon Partners sustain our work and make possible the change Wisconsin students deserve. Your tax-deductible contributions of any amount are welcome.
DID YOU KNOW? You can designate Wisconsin Alliance for Excellent Schools as your charity of choice on Facebook! When your birthday comes around, select Wisconsin Alliance for Excellent Schools for your birthday fundraiser and your friends’ donations will go directly to WAES in support of our work. All of the donations made through Facebook fundraisers go to the nonprofit you have selected.
Click here to follow the step-by-step directions before your birthday!